19 Oct 2020
How much do you agree with the following statement: “I am willing to pay extra for products and services that come from companies who are committed to positive social and environmental impact?” According to a survey conducted by Nielson in 2015, that had30 000 respondents in 60 countries, 66% are willing to spend more on sustainable goods. This is up from 55% in 2014 and 50% in 2013.
It isno secret that maintaining or improving corporate reputation and brand image is a top driver for organizations in addressing sustainability issues. With increasing consumer pressure of environmental awareness, knowing your waste is being disposed of legally and sustainability is crucial to protecting the long-termoperability of any company.
There is a growing willingness to spend more on products from socially responsible companies. ‘Consumers in markets big and small are increasingly motivated to be more environmentally conscious and are exercising their power and voice through the products they buy.’-Nielsen Research.
On the other hand, failing to comply with legislation can see companies face serious penalties and fines, and is also likely to cause irrevocable damage to a company’s reputation.
Businesses that choose to cut corners and save costs on waste disposal by working with unaccredited and unregistered partners put the company’s brand image and integrity at a severe level of risk down the line.
Businesses that have invested in truly sustainable waste management practices have realized the competitive advantage which is discovered through brand differentiation, a better brand image and increased customer loyalty. You can too be inspired by famous brands which have taken waste management to a different level with their various types of programs and initiatives.
*Coca Cola has a huge reputation in the market for its flavored beverages. Apart from this, it is also known for its different waste management programs. Some of the initiatives taken by Coke are as follows:
The right waste management partner should instill the confidence in knowing that your waste is being handled to the highest standards in the market, as well as being able to provide a detailed analysis of your waste activities at any time. Find out how to compare and evaluate the right waste management partner by downloading our FREE guide: https://greensolution.co.za/ebook/
*Coca Cola Case study taken from: https://www.norcalcompactors.net/waste-management-effort-by-well-known-corporations/