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Value Added Services

To ensure Pandae offers you a customized, comprehensive waste management solution.

Our services include the Recovery, Collection, Transportation, Recycling, Treatment and beneficiation of all your waste streams.

What is it:

We have partnered with a variety of industry specialists to offer you our customer a turnkey waste solution. All processes have been vetted to ensure all value-added services are within government and regional regulations.

Products & Services

Medical Waste Management Solution

We deliver containers (single use and reusable) and collect full containers from the generator's central storage area (CSA), weigh and scan the waste and oversee the signing off process.

The waste is transported to our waste partners treatment facilities where it is autoclaved, shredded and landfilled. Anatomical, pharmaceutical and cytotoxic waste (schedule 5 & 6) is incinerated by registered, permitted and reputable third parties.

A Waste Manifest is provided to customers for each consignment of HCRW collected. Safe Disposal Certificates are issued confirming that the HCRW has been safely treated and disposed of.

Sharps Waste Management Solution

Considered as hazardous healthcare risk waste, sharps refer to items that could puncture or cut, such as needles, blades, knives, broken glass, saws, amino hooks etc. and should be disposed of in the appropriate sharps containers.

Our Medical & Sharps Waste Management Solutions offer the following key benefits:

  • Ensure compliance with legislation
  • Service Excellence
  • Increases Safety
  • Reduces injuries from needles
  • Complete visibility & control of your waste streams through our industry leading portal

Medical Waste Collection on a National Basis

We supply re-usable and disposable receptacles nationally, the medical waste will be disposed of in conjunction with our industry leading waste partner in their Bondtech Autoclaves environmentally friendly technology for treating healthcare risk waste. Through this partnership, we are able to service your infectious medical needs.

Food Waste Management Services

In line with increasingly stringent global standards, South African industry is faced with a challenge of improving upon and changing its waste disposal practices. Arguably, one of the greatest obstacles within the waste economy is the current dependence on landfills.

The SA government has legislated that all organic waste is prohibited from going to municipal landfills. PGS is committed to reduce our clients environmental impact and we put environmental performance at the centre of our operating process. It is our priority to provide sustainable solutions which divert food waste to landfills through our renewable energy and composting treatment options.

Food Disposal Services

PGS will collect your organic waste i.e. fruit and vegetable peels, cooked food and dispose of it in an environmental acceptable manner. Pending what is available in the various cities and towns in South Africa.

The 3 acceptable methods most often used:

  • Composting
  • Biofuel to Energy
  • Safe Hazardous Disposal - International Airline Food

Our Food Waste Management Solutions offer the following key benefits:

  • Ensure compliance with legislation
  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Cut costs & save
  • Complete visibility & control of your waste streams through our industry leading portal

Waste Area And Process Flow Design

Our Field Manager in conjunction with our operations department & CAD desk, will design and produce a 3D overview of your waste area and customize a process flow in line with ISO 9001 Quality Management System required for each business.

Pest Control

Integrated Pest Management is a way to prevent or reduce pests, while safeguarding human health, building assets and the environment.

From rodents to cockroaches, flies to termites our pest control partners have the most effective treatment to control that pest which is driving you mad!

Stock Disposal

No matter what stock you need to get rid of we can safely dispose of under camera surveillance if need be and issue you with a safe disposal certificate. The disposal of redundant, obsolete and scrap items will be done in accordance with the Waste Information Regulations, 2012. Treatment methods include the following: Crush & Bury, Shredding, Ash-Blend 3:1, Incineration, Trenching, Recycling and Extrusion.

SHEQ Consultation Services

Our partner provides Occupational Health and Safety services by extensive consulting on regulatory and legislative data. They customize solutions based on each client's needs and build long-term sustainable partnerships.

Enterprise Development Partnership

Over the years we have partnered up with various black owned companies to assist in the mentoring and administrative management of waste services on customer sites.


We have partnered with a local manufacturing company, to offer our clients “mini” Pyrosis units built and supplied in containers, with a capacity throughput of 1000 to 5000 liters per day.

Tyre Disposal

Over the years we have partnered up with various black owned companies to assist in the mentoring and administrative management of waste services on customer sites.

Destroying Of Warranty Parts

Over the years we have developed a good understand of warranty parts, we have a formalized Warranty Parts disposal process in line with International ISO requirements for the collection and disposal of Warranty Parts. This involves tracking the consignment from collection to disposal and the documenting the paperwork process.

Destruction Services

At Pandae Green Solutions, the sustainable diversion of waste from landfill is a guiding principle. To advance our waste disposal and recycling solution, management decided to get more involved in certified safe destructions by procuring 2x Industrial Granulators.

Through this powerful technology, Pandae Green Solutions would be able to provide leading certified safe destruction services - with manifests and associated paperwork (in line with industry best practice as well as the Waste Classification and Management Regulations, 2014).

Pandae offers a wide range of certified destruction either at our own premises or at an appropriate waste partner specializing in specific fields. Services at our own facility in Kyalami Business Park are all performed under camera surveillance and appropriate supervision.

The following services are offered:

  • Granulation of plastic motor parts, toys & cd's.
  • Shredding of paper in bulk on site or off site.
  • Shredding of clothing, handbags and caps
  • Granulating and recycling of all used PPE
  • Shredding of excess inventory and dead stoc
  • Granulation of excess inventory and dead stock
  • Air bag destruction
  • Pyrolysis process for filters and rags
  • Incineration of hydrocarbons

Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment - WEEE Services

Our services include the recovery, Collection, Transportation, Recycling, Treatment and beneficiation of WEEE products. We accept all WEE which includes all waste lighting lamps, Fluorescent Tubes and associated lighting equipment, batteries (portable and industrial), electronic waste (cell phones, laptops, printers etc.), electrical waste such as cables, large and small domestic appliances, solar and alternative products.

We supply fit for purpose containers made from recyclable material for various WEEE products and are optimally designed to maximize packing and transportation efficiencies.

Our WEEE partner incorporates best practice principles into its processes and operations. One of their key components of their recycling methodology is to recover the hazardous fractions and thereby eliminate these toxic elements from landfill and the environment.

Fractions that are recovered for re-use are:

  • Glass
  • Shredding of paper in bulk on site or off site.
  • Non-Ferrous Metals
  • Ferrous Metals
  • Mercury
  • Phosphor Powder
  • Electronic Components

Soil Rehabilitation

Our partner is a nationwide hazardous waste management company that operates 24/7/365. They provide rapid response to hazardous spills and discharges to protect people, property and the environment. Their experienced technicians have the skills and equipment necessary to clean up quickly and safely and limit potential liability.

Value Added Products

PGS has been awarded 1st Place by the Diamond Arrow Awards for the past 3 years for Outstanding Waste Management Equipment. Our experience in design and manufacturing has helped us over the years to design functional and aesthetically pleasing waste equipment.

  • Waste Sheds
  • Industrial Scales
  • Sorting Tables
  • Bag Stands
  • Lockable Drums
  • Platform Trolleys
  • Spill Kits
  • Waste Collection Bins
  • Wheelie Bins
  • Office Bins

Value Added Products

PGS has been awarded 1st Place by the Diamond Arrow Awards for the past 3 years for Outstanding Waste Management Equipment. Our experience in design and manufacturing has helped us over the years to design functional and aesthetically pleasing waste equipment.

  • Waste Sheds
  • Industrial Scales
  • Sorting Tables
  • Bag Stands
  • Mercury
  • Lockable Drums
  • Platform Trolleys
  • Spill Kits
  • Waste Collection Bins
  • Wheelie Bins
  • Office Bins

Hazardous, Used Oil And Sludge

Hazardous Waste Management Services

Hazardous substances are defined as substances that are toxic, corrosive, irritant, flammable and pressure generating under certain circumstances and may injure, cause ill-health or even death in humans.

Our waste management solution makes provision for responsible Hazardous Waste Collections. We facilitate hazardous waste collection and disposals, while overseeing the entire paperwork process in line with the Waste Information Regulations, 2012.

The PGS team will assist you in the safe removal and appropriate disposal of hazardous waste such as:

  • Hydrocarbon Contaminated Waste
  • Bio - Hazardous Material
  • Aerosols
  • Paints, Thinners and allied solvents
  • Brake Fluids
  • Oil Filters
  • Chemicals and Acids

Sludge And Effluent Waste Management Services

PGS arranges for Washbay/Workshop pit assessments, as well as pit desludging services designed to maintain your equipment and facilities in a safe, environmentally sustainable and responsible way; reducing cost and risk, and keeping your entire plant ticking over at optimal operating conditions.

Used Oil Waste Management And Recycling

Used oil is the lubricating oil that is drained from machinery, engines, gearboxes, hydraulic systems, turbines and air compressors, once it has become dirty and contaminated from usage.

Used oil is classified as a hazardous substance because of the harmful chemicals and metals that contaminate it through use. A release of used oil to the environment, whether by accident or otherwise, threatens ground and surface waters with oil contamination there by endangering drinking water supply and aquatic organisms.

PGS offers you an environmentally option through recycling oil into base oil and/or heavy bulk fuel through the following treatment processes:

  • Mechanical separation of contaminants by filtration and centrifuging

  • Chemical separation to remove unwanted components

  • Thermal refining to improve the quality of the fuel.