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Waste in a box
environmental services

Pandae manages all your operations waste streams to deliver a flexible solution that optimizes recycling, ensures environmental protection and saves you time and money.

Pandae Offers You

  • A comprehensive program customized to fit your operation

  • A dedicated account management Team that delivers reliable services, while extracting savings and ensuring environmental protection year after year

  • A clear path to help you achieve your landfill diversion goals on-time and under budget, supporting a complete transition to the circular economy

The Process

  1. Contact Us and share where you are right now, and where you would like to be

  2. Let us design a Custom Plan

  3. Let us Execute the Plan, track your waste and deliver exceptional service

Be Part Of The Solution

Getting your operation down to zero waste requires effort and whilst you might not be working to reduce waste now, your competition is

Make sure you don't get left behind - Contact Us today.

Pandae has a unique approach towards waste management which is centred around waste source reduction, reducing the effect that waste has on the environment and generating savings for our clients. To put it simply, our goal is to help your company benefit from integrated recycling programmes and subsequently enjoy savings, year after year.

Pandae offers a National, reliable and cost-effective waste service to manage your waste streams either to recyclers or to relevant landfill sites. Your Pandae account management team delivers competitive rates and works with our client solutions team to continuously optimize your waste receptacles to eliminate unnecessary fees and services.

The result? A nation-wide, reliable and cost-effective waste service.

Cost effective And Reliable Waste Services

Pandae offers an end-to-end solution designed to suit the needs of your operation. Your account management team are available 5 days a week and are experienced in waste deployment services across hundreds of customer locations with minimal business disruption. Your account management team works to secure additional savings, year after year, by continuously assessing your waste management programme, ensuring it is right-sized to eliminate unnecessary services, optimizing the receptacles and creating recycling programs that extract recyclable material.

Tracking & Reporting

Pandae monitors every service, every day, at every location. Electronic copies of the collection notes are stored and the data is integrated into a comprehensive dashboard. Whether it's reports you need, or you are just seeking operational visibility, Pandae's extended Business Intelligence Platform ensures accurate information and actionable data at your fingertips.

We want to be of service to you.

Waste Service Across
South Africa

Pandae manages hundreds of tons of solid waste and offers reliable waste service in all provinces in South Africa. Pandae works with over 200 service providers, including waste transporters, landfill and recycle companies ensuring a dependable service, nationally. Whether you operate across a few provinces or throughout South Africa, Pandae is the best choice to help you reduce your annual waste spend while ensuring 95% on-time service.

Hazardous Waste Disposal Solution Across South Africa

Hazardous wastes whether it be from Manufacturing plants, Motor Dealerships, Construction Sites and even Retailers, must be removed and disposed of safely, securely and in compliance with government regulations.

Regardless of your operation, it is essential that you handle your hazardous waste safely and responsibly to ensure a safe working environment, reduce the risk of environmental fines and penalties and, to be a good steward of the environment.

Pandae provides a comprehensive hazardous waste management plan and hazardous waste disposal solution for your entire operation, making environmental regulation compliance a walk in the park.

100% Compliance

Pandae's network of hazardous waste professionals and environmental experts are highly trained to ensure all solids, liquids and sludges generated by your operation are safely transported, destroyed and recorded, in accordance with governmental and local regulations.

Pandae follows a rigorous partner verification process and conducts regular on-site audits to ensure that only top of the line hazardous waste companies are transporting and processing your waste streams, with minimal environmental impact.

Nationwide Hazardous Waste Recycling Solution

Whether you operate in only a few provinces or, throughout the whole of South Africa, Pandae deploys a custom hazardous waste disposal programme with stringent regulatory requirements across your entire operation and continuously manages the programme to ensure your complete satisfaction.

End-To-End Solution And Extensive Support

Pandae offers a complete, end-to-end solution customized to your operation. Your account management team has extensive experience in managing a wide spectrum of environmental services. The team is available 5 days a week, providing you with a detailed hazardous waste management plan, developing flexible service schedules to accommodate any change in your operation, ensuring the hazardous material is picked up on time, every time and is safely transported to the designated Treatment Storage or Disposal Facilities (TSDF). The team ensures the safe disposal of all your hazardous waste.

Tracking & Reporting

Pandae monitors each service, completed each day, at each location. We store electronic copies of collection notes, manifests and, of the waste profiles, along with each detail about every service.

In addition, Pandae helps you, if needed, in creating custom reports to help your environmental team, complete company environmental reports and uplift information onto SAWIS (South African Waste information system) or GWIS (Gauteng Waste Information System).

Whether you need to complete company environmental reports, or are simply seeking operational visibility, Pandae extended Business Intelligence platform delivers accurate information and actionable data at your fingertips.

Some of the largest manufacturing plants, dealership groups and logistic companies across SA trust Pandae to help design and implement their hazardous waste management plans.